Friday, December 14, 2007

A Busy Day

I got the story wrong yesterday. The baby was crying because I put a hat on her after her bath and she didn't want it on, not just because she was sick.

Today we did our cookie exchange, decorating cookies, caroling at the nursing home, and then did a bunch of errands in town. My daughter is in the midst of her party and seems to be having fun.

My husband has the two girls in the bedroom watching a movie he got for Christmas last year and just opened this morning! I have the baby asleep on my lap at the moment so it's fairly quiet in the house.

The kids made a "four square" game with tape on the living room floor and have been playing that. I've added a couple photos of that just for enjoyment. Sorry about the red-eye; I just loaded them and transfered them without editing.


Martha said...

fun pictures. and its nice to see your blog! :)

All in a Day said...

Thanks, Martha. I've been checking out yours also. Your gift basket was great; I couldn't have come up with that in such short notice.