Sunday, September 28, 2008

Home Again

We left Friday afternoon in a flurry to get to Karlstad for a soccer game. When that was over, we went to Bemidji for a hayride. We missed the majority of the people but did make the very last hayride. Saturday we went potato picking and managed to load around 650 pounds into our vehicle. I'm not sure how many were in the other vehicles. Maybe I'll get an update from someone. Saturday evening we helped at my parents' house getting miscellaneous jobs done such as dishes, roofing, picking apples, and pulling down hummingbird feeders. I totally forgot about scooping the barn out because Aaron wasn't driving me crazy with his running in and out and up and down since he was out playing with a friend. Lucky him...he and I were going to do that. He for pay, me for encouragement. We left just after supper and came home to end our long, tiring weekend. Today after church I almost got to go to Dairy Queen for lunch. There was a bit of a mix-up so we ended up coming home for Hamburger Helper, orange juice, milk, and green beans. To those of you who can beans: is putting the salt in necessary for the canning process or can I can them without salt? I don't like the flavor it gave the beans.


Keren Ruth said...

We got over 2000 lb. we didn't actually weigh them, but when we had 2000lb the last time they fit in our root cellar. not this time :)

Abbi said...

And the Frasers said they got 1000 lbs. I don't know how many Emily got.
About the beans ~ I don't think the salt is neccasary but I am not sure. We havn't been very happy with our canned green beans this year either.

All in a Day said...

That's a lot of potatoes; I didn't realize Emily had her own in her vehicle. Wow!

Thanks for your input on the beans; I don't really think it would be necessary either but wanted to throw out the question.