Friday, September 19, 2008

Busy Day

The time has been flying by. Except for two sleeping bags, I think I'm finally caught up with laundry and putting stuff away after our weekend's camping trip.

I did the "unforgivable" last night and forgot to buy milk when I was in town. I can't think of too many times that we've been totally out of milk, but I do have some powdered milk on hand if we become desperate. :) (I was hoping to keep it to make some hot chocolate mix.)

We didn't get any "school" work such as it is done yesterday, except Tracy and a tiny bit with Emily, but did get almost the whole yard mowed for Mike. Aaron did some banging on the rider we were given and mostly has that ready to run without the awful noise it was making. We got the snowblower running again so we should be able to use that this winter instead of shoveling by hand. There was algae in the carburetor. I also did a bit of work in the shed so we can walk in without as much of a hazard as it was. :) There's still much to be desired, but when you have junk, it clutters your life. The house is becoming over-run by it again so I really need to crack down on myself and get it out.

Mike stayed in town (after work and before soccer practice) last night and did a bit of mowing at the church building. Today we have a soccer game so hopefully we can finish the mowing in town before, during, or after that.

I think that's about it for new news here for the day. Have a great one, everyone!

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