Sunday, October 5, 2008


Here's a picture of our applesauce after eating a bit. Not a lot, but I'm thankful for every bit we did get.


Anonymous said...

I was trying hard not to go on my fall buying spree of trees and bushes as I promised my dear husband I would not add to the honey-do list this week but.......
I was given some State Fair apples and they were soooooooo good and sweet. I did not add anything to them and canned 16 pints plus lots was eaten. My tree is for cooking as they are so tart. So, I went to the neighborhood greenhouse and my poor husband ended up planting 2 apple trees, one birch clump, 8 assorted bushes, 2 rose bushes (one climber) and tilled up a 10' circle and got mid-size rocks for the boarder and small ones to fill the center. That was just the "added" list. We go 5 more fowl given to us so they had to be attended to along with tilling the lower garden, two trees cut down, finish shingling the fowl pens along with normal things to do. Poor guy, he will soon not want to come home anymore. You will get lots of apples some day as we have 6 trees now.

All in a Day said...

Sounds busy. I have been thinking of planting apple trees and other bushes and trees each spring when the catalog thing comes from the conservation people. We tried it one year and the deer ate them, if I remember correctly.

Anonymous said...

Fall planting is cheaper(big discounts), the trees get moisture all winter(if snow flies). You do not get instant gratification though but that is worth the %off. Getting the large trees at $20 to $40 have helped keep the deer from getting the tops and small weave fence around the bottom keeps deer and rabbits from munching. This year we wrapped each eatible bush with chicken wire stuffed with leaves. There is some liquid deer/rabbit away stuff too. If you want some pines or maples, come and dig as the pipeline will mow them over anyway(starting late spring). You should plant a weeping willow in the bog if they grow in zone 2. Barn is done. Tell the eldest son he could have made $100.
I love fall but it is a busier time than spring. So much more to do.

All in a Day said...

I think we'd like some maples. We have lots of pines around here; well, tamaracks anyway. Aaron wasn't impressed with the $ factor.