Friday, April 11, 2008

Test Results

We got our standardized test results in the mail today. I have one brilliant child (except spelling) and two average children (except spelling.) Do you see a pattern here? I never did well in spelling either; I'm of a mind to think that it'll come as they get older so we just do the minimum and move along with life. Actually, I never did well on any of my tests.


Anonymous said...

Their grandmother is a poor speller to this day.
As a teacher in college told me....
"It is not bad to be a poor speller, it is bad to spell poorly." Dictionaries are cheap , we need to use them as not to look poorly.
You can spell SNOW however you want but this is getting ridiculous here.

All in a Day said...

That's true...that's what spell checkers are for on your word processor also. :) How much more snow did you get?

Anonymous said...

Oh did you open pador's box. Darrell shoveled, the township didn't. Ed took us into town for a loaner car because they didn't get the part in because of snow. We wanted to take him out to eat fish and they were closed due to snow. The loaner car did not make it up the hill and we had a 6 car party at the bottom of the hill. No one hit anyone than God. I need to go to work and the road still is not plowed ........... oh yea, "Be thankful in all things." :-) Maybe no one else wants to hear this. I suppose a good wet soggy heavy 6-8 inches to answer your question.

Anonymous said...

talk about spelling Pandora's Box

Anonymous said...

thank God for spell check :)

The K. Family said...

Hey, my kids never did good in the spelling either. Even Naomi who's a good speller! Makes you wonder doesn't it?

All in a Day said...

Thank you all for commenting. I guess one person's opinion of good spelling is different than another's. We just have to do the best we can and use our dictionaries and spell checkers. :)