Emily and Melissa had a fun and busy week of vacation Bible school. They even took Laura one day. She had fun during the VBS, but on the way home and for the rest of the evening she was more full of cries and clings than "normal" so I didn't take her again. Maybe next year...
We bought a shed and Mike, Aaron, Tracy, and Jason are having "fun" putting that up. I got a bike, and once we got the seat raised as far as it will go, I finally have enough leg room to ride. I'll have to do some practicing now.
We didn't get it done yesterday or Thursday, but we have been having biology, physics, geography, and Spanish videos playing at various times throughout the day for the past month.
Tracy and Emily got their Bible Bee boxes, and Tracy has been working hard on that.
We went to Bemidji for church last Sunday where some missionaries were speaking and got the box of stuff we had for them to them. Their kids are 1 1/2 years older than when I originally tried to get it to them so I had to do some swapping of things.
Some of the kids have been practicing swimming skills, but we haven't gotten to the t-ball skills yet--too many mosquitoes!!!
Mike's parents will be here today to help celebrate his birthday, which he had yesterday. He spent his day out in the mosquitoes putting up the shed.