Friday, February 27, 2009
Birthday Bounty
Today is Laura's 2nd birthday!
We had chocolate chip pancakes for her birthday breakfast.

She opened gifts after the mail came.

We had spaghetti for lunch.
Here she is with her cake. I'll have to see if I can upload the video Tracy took of Laura trying to blow her candles out.
She's playing with her balloon from friends and with her blanket they gave her.

She opened gifts after the mail came.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Baby Shower
Last night we had a baby shower for my friend with the twins. I forgot my camera so didn't get pictures to share.
We played two games, gave out a door prize, had a devotion, and had a prayer for the babies and family. They got so many cute outfits and even some diapers when gift opening time came.
The cake was cute, and sadly, I found out that it was the second one. The first was set on the table with all the chairs pulled away. The family left only to return to find out that their dog had jumped onto the table anyway... End of cake #1... :(
We played two games, gave out a door prize, had a devotion, and had a prayer for the babies and family. They got so many cute outfits and even some diapers when gift opening time came.
The cake was cute, and sadly, I found out that it was the second one. The first was set on the table with all the chairs pulled away. The family left only to return to find out that their dog had jumped onto the table anyway... End of cake #1... :(
Ski Trip
Here are a few pictures of the ski trip we FINALLY got to go on yesterday (after being canceled three other times.)
We got to see old friends, meet new, and even greet friends we've seen elsewhere and had to "place."
Tracy with Laura on her shoulders. (Something I would have done when I was a teenager but am too "scared" to do it now!!!)
Tracy got to try out a friend's snowboard for about 20 minutes.
Laura wasn't too sure once she started gliding on her own, but she wanted to put Melissa's skis on SOOOOO badly!
Emily on the tow rope, Aaron, Melissa, Jason, and Grandpa
Melissa on the tow rope
We got to see old friends, meet new, and even greet friends we've seen elsewhere and had to "place."

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Two Tall Men
Okay. Here it has been over a week...Sigh...Too much farming on Facebook and farming on Farming Frenzy... (I'm almost done with the Farming Frenzy game though.) :)
Friday I went to Grand Forks with a friend and was able to stock up on some food at Sam's Club. I believe in promoting our small town groceries, but I also believe in saving money when possible. I am so very thankful for our little grocery store. If I watch the sales, I can get food just as cheaply as most other people. They will also order large quantities for me if I ask for no extra charge or hassle or guilt trip so I don't have to feel guilty about emptying their shelves on the sales--they just give me a case.
Anyway, in Thief River Falls we stopped at the bread store. A man came in; he had to duck through the doorway. I didn't think much of that because I have a few friends that have to be careful in doorways. However, when he stood to full-height he was HUGE!!! If I would have raised my arm into the air, he would have towered over it. If I go again, I'll have to bring my tape measure because he was about four inches from the ceiling. I'm really curious...
While in Grand Forks at one of the stores, I saw another man who was tall. He wasn't quite as tall as the other one, but I would have had to raise my arm quite a ways above my head to touch his chin.
It makes me wonder because the first man was just driving a van like I was. I didn't notice his legs, but I can't even move our seat far enough back in our van to drive comfortably. I wonder how cramped he was and if he had to duck to see out the front window.
Anyway, we stopped at the Panda Buffet again, and this time I ended up trying the octopus. Quite by mistake, I must admit. I don't care what kind of fancy name they give it (I can't even remember,) but I will never willingly eat it again. It was chewy (rubbery sort-of) with a nasty flavor in my opinion. I about gagged, and even though I chewed and chewed and chewed, I couldn't get it to break down so just ended up swallowing it whole. Blech... (shudder here) :) I do not think less of you if you eat it, but please don't offer it to me!!!!! :)
Friday I went to Grand Forks with a friend and was able to stock up on some food at Sam's Club. I believe in promoting our small town groceries, but I also believe in saving money when possible. I am so very thankful for our little grocery store. If I watch the sales, I can get food just as cheaply as most other people. They will also order large quantities for me if I ask for no extra charge or hassle or guilt trip so I don't have to feel guilty about emptying their shelves on the sales--they just give me a case.
Anyway, in Thief River Falls we stopped at the bread store. A man came in; he had to duck through the doorway. I didn't think much of that because I have a few friends that have to be careful in doorways. However, when he stood to full-height he was HUGE!!! If I would have raised my arm into the air, he would have towered over it. If I go again, I'll have to bring my tape measure because he was about four inches from the ceiling. I'm really curious...
While in Grand Forks at one of the stores, I saw another man who was tall. He wasn't quite as tall as the other one, but I would have had to raise my arm quite a ways above my head to touch his chin.
It makes me wonder because the first man was just driving a van like I was. I didn't notice his legs, but I can't even move our seat far enough back in our van to drive comfortably. I wonder how cramped he was and if he had to duck to see out the front window.
Anyway, we stopped at the Panda Buffet again, and this time I ended up trying the octopus. Quite by mistake, I must admit. I don't care what kind of fancy name they give it (I can't even remember,) but I will never willingly eat it again. It was chewy (rubbery sort-of) with a nasty flavor in my opinion. I about gagged, and even though I chewed and chewed and chewed, I couldn't get it to break down so just ended up swallowing it whole. Blech... (shudder here) :) I do not think less of you if you eat it, but please don't offer it to me!!!!! :)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Over a Week!
I checked today and found out I haven't posted in over a week.
Here are a couple things we have done (it's a good thing my friends post!!!) You can click on the numbers to go to the posts.
1. Melissa is in this picture.
2. Laura eating her cookie
3. Jason playing cards, Tracy (and Emily's shirt) playing Life, and Aaron with his Rubix cube
4. Enjoying the Ladies' Tea in Bemidji
5. Ula's 95th birthday party
6. We participated in some of these activities also.
Here are a couple things we have done (it's a good thing my friends post!!!) You can click on the numbers to go to the posts.
1. Melissa is in this picture.
2. Laura eating her cookie
3. Jason playing cards, Tracy (and Emily's shirt) playing Life, and Aaron with his Rubix cube
4. Enjoying the Ladies' Tea in Bemidji
5. Ula's 95th birthday party
6. We participated in some of these activities also.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Leaving Today
We're heading down to Bemidji for our ski trip today. I'll be off until Tuesday at the earliest.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
25 Things
I thought I'd transfer this over from my Facebook page in hopes that some of you would get a kick out of a few of the things.
1. I have been tagged four times for this so decided I should get busy and get it done, but I can't remember the 4th person.
2. I like the color blue best but painted my bedroom bright pink as a teenager. My parents got me a cat bedroom set for Christmas that year but ended up giving it to me early (surprise) to complete the room. My friend kept trying to convince me to go skiing and all sorts of things with him that evening, and I kept saying no, not knowing they were all in cahoots. What a fun memory!!! He finally got me to come play the piano with him while they "doctored up" the bedroom. Leading to #3...
3. I had nine months of piano lessons when I was 12 and nine months when I was 16-17. The second set of nine months was my whole life. I LIVED for playing the piano and played from early morning to late night (minus school and bus hours) only to find out a few months later that I wasn't as good as I thought I was. Now I have a complex about playing in front of people I can't shake because of that person.
4. My nose drips all the time--summer, fall, winter, and spring.
5. I gave birth to my fifth child at home, without attendants, not intentionally.
6. I gave birth to my sixth child at home also, this time with a "houseful." That was a long, long, long labor that I never would wish upon anyone. The hospitals here won't let women who have had a c-section deliver naturally anymore. I would have had time to make it to another town's hospital for that birth, but my midwife is the best!!!
7. I lost my glasses in ninth grade on the school bus the week we were moving. I really think someone stole them rather than it being my carelessness.
8. I have carried only one school friend through my life from grade school. There are a few others I wonder about but have no way of contacting them since I don't know last names.
9. We live in a small town, and I tease my husband that I know half of the town. The half that I don't know, my husband does, because of work.
10. I LOVE going out to eat but have cut that out for the most part. It's sad when my husband has to work five hours just to pay for a (good) meal for our family.
11. I like things short and sweet so had to go back and put a double-space between each of these entries. Number two has given me a few problems because of its length, with a close runner-up in number six.
12. My hair is to the point where I would like it cut. I never can get it quite long enough to donate it for locks of love. It takes too much time to brush, and too much shampoo to wash.
12. (again because this doesn't count) I'm wondering how many of you went back to re-read numbers 2 and 6 to see what I was talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be honest and comment, please!!!!!!
13. At this point, my oldest friend will be 95 years old February 10, and my youngest friends (twins) were born January 19, of this year. I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE holding babies.
14. I don't really like to play games, but I have found the myFarm on Facebook to be challenging and fun now that I'm getting the hang of it. One of my friends has over $220,000, I think I have $4,000.
15. I am typing this while trying to hold my youngest--not a good combination.
16. One of my friends can type over 200 words per minute. I thought I was doing well at 60.
17. I think I can remember all my phone numbers. 757-1272, 755-9228, 751-3664, 386-1944,and my present one, which I'll choose to keep undisclosed. I'm sure I'm in the phone book though. Hmmm...I wonder what it is with the double digits!
18. I am a better writer than talker; when I am around people, I never know what to say. I even have trouble with the common courtesy one of, "How are you?" It's terrible! One of my friends teases me in that way by answering, "I'm fine too," after he asks how I am without giving me a chance to ask him (not that I'd actually follow through.) :)
19. I have only been in two countries (U.S.A. and Canada) but have been in several states, covering 14 in two weeks, if I remember the story correctly.
20. My mom has a five-generation family picture with me as a tyke she says I get a copy of. We never did get a five-generation picture with any of our children. We have lots of four-generation pictures though.
21. I was an excellent swimmer when I was younger and was also in gymnastics, but my arms weren't strong enough to hold up my weight. They still aren't strong, and neither is my back. I cannot carry my children around for long. My chiropractor is glad my daughter doesn't have "my" back! (Is it okay to tag the chiropractor's wife? I've tagged others I have talked about.)
22. And as long as we're talking anatomy...I have rotten teeth. I don't ever remember going to a dentist appointment without having cavities when I was young. I finally started taking care of them when I was 13 and got braces but still had cavities after that. As a married lady, I've had three cavities and that's it. I only have 23 teeth and never did have any wisdom teeth form, thus I tell everyone, "I'm not smart." (which I'm not anyway) :)
23. This is a long list. I used to write "epistles" to Mike when we were dating/courting. We would write back and forth while his brother would use the phone and rack up huge bills. In fact, I used to write to everyone more than I do now. I have really slacked off and am sorry for it; I know of so many people that appreciate my letters, cards, notes, etc.
24. Hmm...speaking of letters...I have two letters on my file cabinet from January 26 and January 27 still waiting for an envelope and stamp. That's sad!!! Each and every week I used to write a postcard to the six grandparents and send monthly pictures. Now I'm lucky if I get pictures sent twice a year.
25. I am so glad that this list is done. Over the span of the 3/4 hour it has taken me to write it, I have put Laura to bed three times, listened to Jason talk about reading, and re-read what I have written at least five times. Now I'll go back and read it again and tag people. I'm not sure whom I should tag...
1. I have been tagged four times for this so decided I should get busy and get it done, but I can't remember the 4th person.
2. I like the color blue best but painted my bedroom bright pink as a teenager. My parents got me a cat bedroom set for Christmas that year but ended up giving it to me early (surprise) to complete the room. My friend kept trying to convince me to go skiing and all sorts of things with him that evening, and I kept saying no, not knowing they were all in cahoots. What a fun memory!!! He finally got me to come play the piano with him while they "doctored up" the bedroom. Leading to #3...
3. I had nine months of piano lessons when I was 12 and nine months when I was 16-17. The second set of nine months was my whole life. I LIVED for playing the piano and played from early morning to late night (minus school and bus hours) only to find out a few months later that I wasn't as good as I thought I was. Now I have a complex about playing in front of people I can't shake because of that person.
4. My nose drips all the time--summer, fall, winter, and spring.
5. I gave birth to my fifth child at home, without attendants, not intentionally.
6. I gave birth to my sixth child at home also, this time with a "houseful." That was a long, long, long labor that I never would wish upon anyone. The hospitals here won't let women who have had a c-section deliver naturally anymore. I would have had time to make it to another town's hospital for that birth, but my midwife is the best!!!
7. I lost my glasses in ninth grade on the school bus the week we were moving. I really think someone stole them rather than it being my carelessness.
8. I have carried only one school friend through my life from grade school. There are a few others I wonder about but have no way of contacting them since I don't know last names.
9. We live in a small town, and I tease my husband that I know half of the town. The half that I don't know, my husband does, because of work.
10. I LOVE going out to eat but have cut that out for the most part. It's sad when my husband has to work five hours just to pay for a (good) meal for our family.
11. I like things short and sweet so had to go back and put a double-space between each of these entries. Number two has given me a few problems because of its length, with a close runner-up in number six.
12. My hair is to the point where I would like it cut. I never can get it quite long enough to donate it for locks of love. It takes too much time to brush, and too much shampoo to wash.
12. (again because this doesn't count) I'm wondering how many of you went back to re-read numbers 2 and 6 to see what I was talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be honest and comment, please!!!!!!
13. At this point, my oldest friend will be 95 years old February 10, and my youngest friends (twins) were born January 19, of this year. I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE holding babies.
14. I don't really like to play games, but I have found the myFarm on Facebook to be challenging and fun now that I'm getting the hang of it. One of my friends has over $220,000, I think I have $4,000.
15. I am typing this while trying to hold my youngest--not a good combination.
16. One of my friends can type over 200 words per minute. I thought I was doing well at 60.
17. I think I can remember all my phone numbers. 757-1272, 755-9228, 751-3664, 386-1944,and my present one, which I'll choose to keep undisclosed. I'm sure I'm in the phone book though. Hmmm...I wonder what it is with the double digits!
18. I am a better writer than talker; when I am around people, I never know what to say. I even have trouble with the common courtesy one of, "How are you?" It's terrible! One of my friends teases me in that way by answering, "I'm fine too," after he asks how I am without giving me a chance to ask him (not that I'd actually follow through.) :)
19. I have only been in two countries (U.S.A. and Canada) but have been in several states, covering 14 in two weeks, if I remember the story correctly.
20. My mom has a five-generation family picture with me as a tyke she says I get a copy of. We never did get a five-generation picture with any of our children. We have lots of four-generation pictures though.
21. I was an excellent swimmer when I was younger and was also in gymnastics, but my arms weren't strong enough to hold up my weight. They still aren't strong, and neither is my back. I cannot carry my children around for long. My chiropractor is glad my daughter doesn't have "my" back! (Is it okay to tag the chiropractor's wife? I've tagged others I have talked about.)
22. And as long as we're talking anatomy...I have rotten teeth. I don't ever remember going to a dentist appointment without having cavities when I was young. I finally started taking care of them when I was 13 and got braces but still had cavities after that. As a married lady, I've had three cavities and that's it. I only have 23 teeth and never did have any wisdom teeth form, thus I tell everyone, "I'm not smart." (which I'm not anyway) :)
23. This is a long list. I used to write "epistles" to Mike when we were dating/courting. We would write back and forth while his brother would use the phone and rack up huge bills. In fact, I used to write to everyone more than I do now. I have really slacked off and am sorry for it; I know of so many people that appreciate my letters, cards, notes, etc.
24. Hmm...speaking of letters...I have two letters on my file cabinet from January 26 and January 27 still waiting for an envelope and stamp. That's sad!!! Each and every week I used to write a postcard to the six grandparents and send monthly pictures. Now I'm lucky if I get pictures sent twice a year.
25. I am so glad that this list is done. Over the span of the 3/4 hour it has taken me to write it, I have put Laura to bed three times, listened to Jason talk about reading, and re-read what I have written at least five times. Now I'll go back and read it again and tag people. I'm not sure whom I should tag...
Monday, February 2, 2009
What a Day!
I have slept SO well the past two nights. It has been a wonderful feeling, waking up totally refreshed. We got the ball rolling this morning without our "regularly scheduled" breakfast. I attempted to make another loaf of bread last night only to let it rise and fall again before I got to it. I think I have ruined four loaves of bread in the past two weeks because of that trick. :(
All the kids finished up schoolwork today in a timely manner except for the one problem of Tracy's we're still trying to figure out from Friday. I'll post it below in case anyone reading knows how to do it and can supply us with the means to get the correct answer.
Tomorrow Tracy has her violin lesson, and I've actually heard her practicing this week. That's music to my ears. (pun intended so please laugh)
Mike has been working 32-hour weeks so it's really nice to have him home for the extra two hours each afternoon. When he doesn't have a lot to do at work, I tease him that I could keep him busy here. He never goes for it though.
I hope everyone had a great weekend; this coming weekend we'll be heading to Bemidji for various activities and then to Buena Vista for the home school ski trip.
Here's that math problem: a to the 2n+2 power over b to the 3n-1 power multiplied by b to the 2n+1 power over a to the n-2 power.
All the kids finished up schoolwork today in a timely manner except for the one problem of Tracy's we're still trying to figure out from Friday. I'll post it below in case anyone reading knows how to do it and can supply us with the means to get the correct answer.
Tomorrow Tracy has her violin lesson, and I've actually heard her practicing this week. That's music to my ears. (pun intended so please laugh)
Mike has been working 32-hour weeks so it's really nice to have him home for the extra two hours each afternoon. When he doesn't have a lot to do at work, I tease him that I could keep him busy here. He never goes for it though.
I hope everyone had a great weekend; this coming weekend we'll be heading to Bemidji for various activities and then to Buena Vista for the home school ski trip.
Here's that math problem: a to the 2n+2 power over b to the 3n-1 power multiplied by b to the 2n+1 power over a to the n-2 power.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Psalm 113:1-9
1. Praise the Lord! Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord!
2. Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and forevermore!
3. From the rising of the sun to its going down the Lord's name is to be praised.
4. The Lord is high above all nations, His glory above the heavens.
5. Who is like the Lord our God, who dwells on high,
6. Who humbles Himself to behold the things that are in the heavens and in the earth?
7. He raises the poor out of the dust, and lifts the needy out of the ash heap,
8. That He may seat him with princes--with the princes of His people.
9. He grants the barren woman a home, like a joyful mother of children. Praise the Lord!
2. Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and forevermore!
3. From the rising of the sun to its going down the Lord's name is to be praised.
4. The Lord is high above all nations, His glory above the heavens.
5. Who is like the Lord our God, who dwells on high,
6. Who humbles Himself to behold the things that are in the heavens and in the earth?
7. He raises the poor out of the dust, and lifts the needy out of the ash heap,
8. That He may seat him with princes--with the princes of His people.
9. He grants the barren woman a home, like a joyful mother of children. Praise the Lord!
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