Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Not Much Happening

We've just been lying low lately. This week the kids are doing their standardized testing so we'll get to see just how "smart" they are compared to others. :)

Emily had a good time at Grandma's house, but we can sure tell she came home. The bickering is back.

The kids put up the trampoline this week so it's been getting used in spite of all the rain we've been having.

Highway 11 is flooded over at Swift on our side, and our east-west road was flooded over today.

Have a good Tuesday night!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Memory

I remember buying milk in Kindergarten (the 1/2 pint container) for 4 cents on a regular day, and Fridays were so special because we could get chocolate milk for 5 cents!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Buns and More Buns

I made the butterhorn rolls yesterday.

Today I decided to try the other rolls. I had lots of "help" from Laura today so some of them look as normal as a bun can, some look like teardrops, and some look like lumps of bread.

I made a batch of rolls earlier this afternoon only to find out I used the wrong recipe. My family thanked me for that because they smelled (and tasted) so good. :)

I got the second batch going and forgot to take it out of the bread machine to let it rise. Here's the result of that...
Mike came out of the room when I was working on the second-to-last pan and tried to take one. I had to tell him, "No!" because I only made four dozen. I did give him one from the earlier batch though. I hope these will work and people will enjoy them.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Busy Day

This morning some of the kids "flew" through their schoolwork. After a while, we headed over to Baudette where we picked up a birth certificate and a photo id for Tracy. She will be flying to Florida with her grandparents next month.

While we were there, we brought the kids near the bridge where there's a small hill going down to the river. They got to go sledding for about 1/2 hour. It wasn't nearly long enough according to some of the kids.

When we got home, it was computer time, and I think all three computers have been running since then for most of the time.

I made some butterhorn rolls for a church rally this weekend in Bemidji we're planning to attend. I still need to make one more batch but need to hear back from my other friend first. Supper was turkey cold dish and a sampling of the rolls, and I made a pan of Special K bars for dessert and a "bedtime" snack.

Now I'm waiting for certain children to go to bed but will first try to upload some pictures of sledding if they worked. I haven't looked at them yet.

The snow has been gently falling all day, and it appears that the blizzard we were supposed to be getting is going to go farther south. Have a good night.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Another Day

I was going to post, but Laura just came out again. :( Don't forget about your clocks. :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Another Day

Well, I just tried to post my letter about Flat Stanley, but it would not let me because it had HTML tags. I printed out the pictures and put them into the envelope along with my letter and postcard for Mike's niece. I hope she and her class enjoy the letter and pictures.

I brought the van into town today for an oil change and to get a new battery. While I was waiting for that, I got a few pages in Laura's photo album done. Now I need to get some page protectors for them.

The kids have played several games of Dutch Blitz today. I tried a few, but I'm just not fast enough. They "whomp" me every time.

Melissa was working with the balance today and hopefully something clicked with that. She has the basic idea of counting and adding simple numbers, but I have to get her to be able to go to the next group of ten. One of these days I plan to do a post on my preschool math curriculum. It's on a "to-do" list in my head but will probably have to get onto paper before I follow through. I tend to be quite flighty these days. :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Flat Stanley Came to Visit Us

In the book, Flat Stanley, by Jeff Brown, Stanley goes on vacation by being mailed like a letter to his friend in California. Mike's niece mailed a Flat Stanley to us so he got to do things with us yesterday.

Laura got a birthday box and birthday card in the mail yesterday so he got to "help" her open that.

Here he is "farming" with Tracy on Facebook.

Here he is helping Melissa make cookies for her friends.

We took him to our small town where he went ice skating with the kids.

After supper he got to go to our other small town and go to Awana with us. I didn't quite get him into the light, but he's there by the sign. :)

(Ugh...red eye. I'll have to fix that later.)

Here he is asleep with Laura after a busy day.

I sure hope he enjoyed his stay! :)

...now to mail him back...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Yesterday was my chiropractor's 50th birthday, and his wife hoped people razzed him all day.

So...I made some bone-shaped sugar cookies for him yesterday morning and wrapped them along with this note:
A sweet way to "Bone Up" on a few subjects in your "old" age.

I know he appreciated the gesture because he told me I was the best. :)

I was hoping to take a picture, but I left them down too long. Laura got into them so the time I would have spent taking a picture was spent re-wrapping.

Oh, and I had to put the word "old" in quotations because I'm finding out that age really shrinks as you get older and it's not such a big deal. My Emily commented, "That's OLD!" when I told her he turned 50. (I would have said the same thing 15 years ago...)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Psalm 67:1-7

1. God be merciful to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us,
2. That Your way may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.
3. Let the peoples praise You, O God; let all the peoples praise You.
4. Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For You shall judge the people righteously, and govern the nations on earth. Selah.
5. Let the peoples praise You, O God; let all the peoples praise You.
6. Then the earth shall yield her increase; God, our own God, shall bless us.
7. God shall bless us, and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him.